We provide comprehensive IT solutions for your business
We share experience and passion for innovative technologies and unconventional solutions. As a result, we deliver products tailored to your needs and expectations.
About us
We are yarrl. We are inspired by new technologies and market trends. We share extensive technological knowledge, unique competencies and more than 30 years of experience in the high-tech industry.
We design, implement, and integrate systems for business. We provide teams of IT experts. We provide consulting and auditing services. We accompany our clients at every stage of the project.
Siłą Yarrl jest zgrany i wykwalifikowany zespół. Kształtujemy naszą firmę, omawiamy kierunki wzrostu, badamy różne możliwości i wspólnie wybieramy ścieżki działania.
Od ponad 30 lat tworzymy i dostarczamy rozwiązania naszym klientom, współdzieląc z nimi nasze doświadczenie i pasje do innowacyjnych technologii i nieszablonowych rozwiązań. Wykorzystujemy nasze specjalistyczne umiejętności, aby dostosowywać i obsługiwać systemy odpowiadające potrzebom naszych klientów.
Kim jesteśmy?
Explore the possibilities of IT solutions to support the growth of your business
We will provide teams of experts, IT solutions, and technologies perfectly tailored to your needs so that you can grow your business.
yarrl's strength is its close-knit and skilled team. We shape our company, discuss growth directions, explore various opportunities, and choose courses of action together with you.
We are constantly growing and changing in order to better respond to market expectations.
We know how important the protection of IT systems and the security of collected data is. We uphold the highest security standards for the delivered systems, utilizing proven technologies from global providers.
Our experience
For more than 30 years, we have been developing and delivering solutions to our customers, sharing with them our experience and passion for innovative technologies and unconventional solutions. We use our specialized skills to customize and support systems that meet the needs of our customers.
They trusted us:
History of companies
Unima 2000 Information and Communication Systems (U2K) begins operations
U2K's IPO on the stock market
pTAG starts business operations
EUVIC decides to invest in U2K and in pTAG
Merger of U2K and pTAG
Rebranding of the merged companies: yarrl S.A. is established.
Check how we work!
Case Study