Bulk document processing solutions
Document Validation Gateway
It's a solution that allows you to bulk process single documents and packets of documents, validate them, check their status and notify external systems about the document. It is a convenient, secure and effective solution for all entities or companies that collect and process large quantities of similar documents.

Our solution allows you to assign a reference number to each document, automatically verifies the size of the document, including attachments, and the fact that a qualified signature or other signature is used. The machine additionally validates document structures with attachments and issues document acknowledgements, after which it sends feedback on the result of document processing and/or can pass information about the processed document to external systems.
The benefits of the Document Validation Gateway have been confirmed by the National Tax Administration, which accepts, among other things, millions of PIT returns each year through this route.
#masdocuments #validationdocument #processingdocuments #validationforms #statusdocument.
Korzyści płynące z zastosowania Bramki Walidacji Dokumentów potwierdzone zostały przez Krajową Administrację Skarbową, która tą drogą przyjmuje corocznie miliony deklaracji PIT.
#masowedokumenty #waldacjadokumentu #przetwarzaniepaczekdokumentów #PIT #statusdokumentu